MGMT 404 Week 8 Course Project Part 4 (Sections G and Compilation of Sections A through G); Getta Byte Software Project
Running Head: Getta Byte Software project Student Name DeVry University Professor Name Getta Byte Software Project Getta Byte Software project Contents Introduction3Project goals and objectives3Management of the project4Internal and external factors that may affect processes and procedure of the project4Stakeholder Engagement Plan10Communication management plan11Project Scope Statement13WBS And the Project Schedule16WBS16Project scheduling18Resource Allocation20Cost Overview23Risk Register26Conclusion28References282 1. Introduction Project goals and objectives The Getta Byte Software project is a mission that is formed with the main goal in mind of replacing the current manual billing system with an online software-based system that will enable accurate, easy, and fast data entry system. It is worth noting that the existing system has the capability of helping the company to carry out the duties in daily operations. This is quite fine, but there are a few challenges that calls for an online system. The first concern is that the existing system is manual and therefore, time consuming and very inaccurate. A lot of time is needed in entering the information into the system and the result is the inconsistency of the information entered and therefore, putting the company at risk. The solution to this problem is to come up with an automated system that shall be very fast and produce accurate data. The system shall be based on online operation which will enhance an easy way of entering the data, conceive a dynamic update towards the receivables. The system shall have a goal of saving up to 25 % of the total labor per month since, human resources to operate the billing system shall be reduced. The extra cost saved by the company shall be used elsewhere and hence, raising the total profits made by the company each month. The project focuses towards working with a bunch of people to spread risks in the company. These people shall include the CFO, CEO the billing department and customer care services. The success of the project shall be attributed to the fact that the billing cycles are reduced to more than 30% each month. As per the project schedule, it is expected that the first piloting shall be done by September 1st. This shall imply that the development and testing of the software shall be done by 15th August. This shall give an ample time to facilitate the first piloting study and see if the system is working correctly and in accordance with the expectations and goals of the project. The final real ease of the software shall be done by September 1st; this will be after having checked all parts that are not in a good working condition and rectify them accordingly. The project is budgeted $ 250, 000 for the entire work. Therefore, the work shall be scheduled accordingly, and individual tasks split to enable the project team to carry out all duties with little or no friction. Management of the project The project charter shall establish the requirements of the project and the basic needs of the project. In addition, the person who shall be liable of carrying out the entire project is the project manager. The project manager shall then appoint their team such as the human resource manager, the software engineer, the project coordinator, and other different people who shall carry out duties assigned to them by the project manager. Each person shall be responsible in their area of operation to make sure that there is smooth running of activities. The project manager role shall be to oversee the entire process and therefore, providing all the resources, including the human resource, material and cost that shall be used in the project. The project manager will also ensure that communication is done and there is adequate control of all the resources provided. Internal and external factors that may affect processes and procedure of the project As the project progresses, there is a likelihood that other internal and external factors may pose risks and hence challenging or even controlling the decisions made by the people, processes, project and even the procedure followed when carrying out individual tasks. The first factor is understanding the risks that may come to place or the potential risks that are likely to happen. The project team need to understand the risks that are likely to affect the project so that they can device method that will ensure that the impact of all negative risks is reduced as much as possible. The network issue has been identified as an external factor that may affect the normal operation of the project. It is worth noting that the project is online based and therefore, network must be provided to ensure that everything is running smoothly as per the project objective. The network problem shall affect the rate at which data is transferred and the replacement process. Another factor is the hacking of the data and information. This is an external factor that need to be put into consideration when building up the system and, hence affecting the processes. Another factor that must be given consideration is the budget issue. It is worth noting that the budget is a constraint. The project team should come up with procedures and processes that shall consider the budget issue and hence, minimizing the project cost to attain the set objective. Communication is an internal factor that ensures that everything runs smoothly and in accordance with the plan put in place. The team members must be given information regarding what is transpiring and what should be done regarding a given task. Proper communication is the main tool that shall ensure that each team member is on the same page and knows what is happening and what they are supposed to do. Communication shall help to fix all issues now they happen. Therefore, all these factors must be given consideration in terms of project operation, procedure and processes followed in the project. Getta Byte Software project Project Project Name Getta Byte Software project Project Number 199910 Project Team Team Getta Byte Prioritization Medium Owner(s) Getta Byte Start Date: August 2020 Scheduled Completion Date: September 2020 Mission
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