MGMT 404 Week 4 Video Quiz
1000087242563 914400182192 914400122285 914400171596 914400192870 104775098441 914400154438 Work Breakdown Structure [Topic title: Work Breakdown Structure. The presenter is Barb Waters.] You can tackle any major job in your personal or work life by breaking it down into manageable and achievable steps. In the context of project management, the work breakdown structure, or WBS, gives you control of a project by breaking work down into manageable units. To create a WBS, you use a process called decomposition. During decomposition, you subdivide the elements of your project into progressively smaller components starting with the project name and refining each level of decomposition until you are able to identify the smallest units of work that must be done. [After project name, there is phase, then deliverable, and then sub- deliverable.] The smallest unit of work is called the work package. [Using the WBS for Project Estimates.] The WBS is very helpful when it comes to planning and then managing a project. It hel
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