
MGMT 404 Week 6 Course Project Part 3 (Includes Sections E and F); The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project.

MGMT 404 Project Management

COURSE PROJECT COURSE PROJECT: The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project Student Name DeVry University MGMT404: Project Management Professor Joel Gollub Table of Contents Introduction 2 Part 1 3 Section A: Project Charter3 Section B: Stakeholder Engagement Plan4Part 2 6 Section C: Communication Plan5Section D: The Project Scope Statement6Part 3 8 Section E: The Project Schedule and Gantt Chart8Section F: Resource Allocation and Budgeting 9 Part 4 10 Section G: Risk Management 10 Conclusion11 References12Introduction Getta Bill Software will be replacing the current billing system with a cloud-based system that is accurate and easy to use that reduces billing errors by 15%. The goal is to have ease of use software and to improve the transaction speed by 30%, while also implementing dynamic reporting. The goal is to complete the development of the project by August 15, migrate customer data to cloud by August 25, have the first pilot completed by September 1, and implementing the software by September 10. With these projected dates, all personnel and stakeholders will have to do their part and be involved in the project to get the project completed and ensure that the project properly operates. Also, it is very important the customers data is properly transferred, and all employees of the project knows how to utilize the new software. The objectives of this project are automated, fast, and accurate, easy data entry, dynamic updates to receivables and to save 25% in labor per month. The key stakeholders for the Getta Bill project are the CEO Haywood U. Bizzoff, CFO Kent C. DeTrees, Finance Lou Seguzi, Billing Accounts Payable Team, and Customer Service Ima Payne. The main parts of the Getta Bill Project are to finalize requirements, purchase software, customize software, transfer data to cloud, train personnel and Go Live, while all the major deliverables listed also have counterparts in their category that must be completed in each of the listed categories. The project constraints are factors that may have a positive or negative influence on the outcome of a project according to Project Management Institute (2017). The constraints are the budget, schedule, new software must be learned by the team, not enough of time to complete the project by September 1, team is unfamiliar with the project so they will have to learn how to manage the software to do the job that it is created to do, also there may be an issue with migrating the data by August 25 if the software does not operate properly or malfunctions. There is a possibility that the customers information or data may be incorrect on the new system. - PART 1 Section A: The Project Charter PROJECT CHARTER Project Name Billing System Implementation Project #: Project Manager Ima Payne Start Date 08/25/22 End Date 09/10/22 Project Sponsor Ima Payne Project Description: Replacing the current billing system with a cloud-based system that is accurate and easy to use that reduces billing errors by 15% Objectives Finish project by September 1 Train all persons involved and stakeholders on the operation of software by October 10 Automated, fast, and accurate Easy data entry Dynamic updates to receivables Save 25% in labor per month Labor cost savings by 25% Business Need: Current system is manual, time consuming, and inaccurate Milestones Milestones Estimated Completion Timeframe Develop and testing done 08/15/22 First pilot done 09/01/22 Final release 09/10/22 Purchase software 06/21/22 Transfer data to cloud 07/12/22 Go Live 08/30/22 Budget [What is the estimated budget for this project? Complete the table below. Do not research your project cost; this is a “top-down” budget estimate. This is an order of magnitude estimate and do

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