CHEM 120 Week 8 Lab Practicum Online Quiz..
Station 1. You have run an experiment studying the effects of the molecular weight of a compound on the rate of diffusion in agar. Compound X has a molecular weight of 25.3 g/mol and compound Y has a molecular mass of 156.2 g/mol. On two separate agar plates, 0.1 g of each substance were transferred and allowed to diffuse for 2 hours. The results below were obtained. Use this information about this situation to answer the following three questions. Question 1 3 pts (CO 1) What was the independent variable in this experiment? (3 points) 922019136662 Time 922019115882292201934872922019409522922019784172Amount of substance Rate of diffusion Molecular weight Amount of compound used Question 2 3 pts 892810729615(CO 1) What theory could you produce based off these results? (3 points)930910139065Compound X has a lesser molecular weight than compound Y. Compounds with higher molecular weights have a faster rate of diffusion than compounds with lower molecular weights. 922019421305922019795955Compounds with Lower molecular weights have a faster rate of diffusion than compounds with higher molecular weights. Compound X has more moles of substance in 0.1 grams vs compound Y. There was more of compo
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