CHEM 120 Week 1 Discussion Option 1; Scientific Method and Atomic Structure
Week 1 Discussion: Scientific Method and Atomic Structure 46 unread replies.8080 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1 and 2 Weekly Concepts Initial Post Instructions The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only to post, but to read the postings of your peers and instructor. Engaging with your peers and learning together is key to this experience. For you initial post, choose one of the options below: Option 1: We will begin this topic by practicing the use of the scientific method. The steps of the scientific method are: observation, hypothesis, experiment, results, and theory. Using your understanding of the scientific method from your readings and lessons, you will be applying this knowledge to a real world situation. Take a real world scenario in the news, or another outside source and apply the scientific method, being sure to detail the controls on your experiment. Describe a result that would confirm your hypothesis. Option 2: Choose a scientific paper written in the last year. The Chamberlain library is a great source for this. For your chosen paper, look into the study and discuss how
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