CHEM 120 Week 3 Exam 1 (Units 1 and 2)
Answer the following questions (1 point each) to add up to 5 points back to your exam score. Student Name Choose any isotope of an element and answer the following 6 Write the isotopic formula Carbon-14 14 C How many neutrons in the isotope mass number = P+N 14=6+N 14-6= 8 Neutrons How many protons are in the isotope 6 protonsHow many electrons are in the isotope 6 electronsWhat is the mass number for the isotope mass number 14Choose any molecular compound with 3 to 5 atoms in it. 389127954513037338005463994234179546399387222911840943903905476693370579538780Draw the Lewis structure. 39052502028844033520221934 3729990-4118153895090-2873554053840-2721154225290-4118153883659-141305Give step by step directions for how to draw the Le
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