CHEM 120 Week 5 Virtual Lab; Part I, Part II, Part III
OL Lab 9: Building models of organic compounds Learning Objectives: Build virtual models to learn about the structure of organic compounds Draw extended structural formulas of organic compounds Compounds that are based on the carbon atom are known as organic compounds. These compounds commonly contain, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen in addition to carbon. Carbon forms a variety of covalent compounds with varied properties. Carbon containing compounds are formed by sharing electrons, covalent bonds, between atoms. Most biomolecules, as well as most drugs, are classified as organic compounds. In this laboratory exercise, you will build models of organic compounds virtually and draw the extended structural formula of organic compounds. Online Modeling Resource: Be sure to build each of the compounds as instructed using the online modeling resource kit. This hands-on experience is an important part of this lab. You will need to copy the models you build in the virtual modeling resource and paste the images into this document. Please take the time to explore the structures of these organic compounds. Exploration 1: Building models of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are a diverse group of organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbons can be linear, branched, or cyclic. Additionally, hydrocarbons can be saturated, unsaturated or aromatic. Using the virtual resource build the extended structural formulas
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