
NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Topic; Nurse Administrator Role in Nursing Care Delivery Models and Systems

David Miller
NR 531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

Week 2: Nurse Administrator Role in Nursing Care Delivery Models and Systems No unread replies.No replies.At the most recent senior leadership meeting, you as the chief nursing officer, reported a trend toward nursing shortage on several units. The human resources director reported that even with open nursing positions, because of the shortage of nurses available within your recruitment area, there have been very few applying to fill them. The critical care units have experienced the greatest attrition recently and using the primary care nursing care delivery model is becoming difficult to do consistently. The decision is made to hire more nursing assistants to assist during this shortage. As the CNO, you must introduce a different nursing care delivery model that includes using nursing assistants in the units involved. Address the following related to this scenario: Discuss the model you will use and include your rationale for the choice. Describe the impact this new model will have on the organization. What challenges to the change will you face? What strategies will you use to facilitate the change? To care for more patients, functional nursing, a popular concept, combined licensed and unlicensed nursing personnel with assignments based on their skill set. Everyone had a specific job to do for the patients who were allocated to them. The drawback of the system is care division, which may result in less satisfied patients and lower-quality treatment. This model is cost effective as many patients can be cared for. Hiring nursing assistants can be a helpful way to increase moral for the above unit. Today, nurses are faced with more challenges than ever. The nursing employment market is extremely competitive, but the prospects are far wider. With an aging an ill population, nursing is becoming increasingly stressful, not to mention the addition of tasks once performed by other personnel. Problems with low staff retention can have a variety of negative economic implications. A domino effect occurs as nurses depart from locations or even the field. The effects of employee turnover can be highly stressful for the team, the nurse leader, and the patients. The cost of hiring an employee is high. The facility may be strained because of this influx and outflow, making it essential to hire qualified employees. It is common knowledge that the healthcare industry can be stressful for both patients and employees. Since healthcare is always evolving, change is inevitable. If we do not let go of our previous habits, changing may be an exceedingly difficult and unpleasant task. When presented with stressful circumstances, people exhibit alarm reactions and reluctance. Damawan and Azizah (2020) reviewed many research articles regarding change and determined because they make up the majority of the company, employees are essential to the success of any organizational transformation initiative. Uncomfortable feelings, a lack of awareness about the change, and increased stress are some of the factors that lead to resistance to change. Employees resist change because they don't believe it will be advantageous to them or the business as a whole. Knowing that change can be stressful to most, I would meet with my staff to discuss the plan of action necessary to ensure the unit is providing the best care during this hardship. Opposition is surely to be faced. Notifying the staff of the circumstances in which this conclusion was decided will hopefully put staff at ease. I would also assure staff that administration will continuously seek nurses to fill vacancies if shortages should change and explore other options such as hiring in Temps if available. I want staff to know I will work to the best of my ability to recruit new nurses, when possible, to decrease burnout and ensure quality patient care; however, to date, this is the best option considering the current situation short of having to increase ratios without hiring in aids. While shifts may still be stressful due to a decrease in nursing staff, this is a hurdle I believe can be overcome given time. -Stacy Damawan, A. & Azizah, S. (2020). Resistance to change: causes and strategies as an organizational challenge. 10.2991/assehr.k.200120.010. Good afternoon Professor and Class, In general, it can be challenging to accept change, especially in the medical industry. The enthusiasm of the team can be measured in order to determine when the team has veered off course. When morale is low, there will be a high number of call ins, individuals are likely to look at other career prospects, and there can even be tension at work. A good leader will notice the issue and take reasonable action to address it. There are numerous ways to accomplish this. Quality leaders are integral in implementing change. With proper leadership, direct reports are apt to feel empowered to tackle such issues. According to Steinmann et al. (2018), people led by transformational leaders who are given the opportunity to establish and achieve goals are more invested in the workplace and report greater levels of job satisfaction. One of a leader's strengths is their capacity to inspire the team to participate in goal- setting. To do this, I would involve the staff that the change will impact, maintain open communication, provide a timeline for when the change will occur, and then check in with the staff to see how things are going. Both the Pathway to Excellence and Shared Governance promote staff involvement in decision- making. In many facilities, these methods have been shown to have beneficial effects on staff retention. Nurses are more motivated to carry out plans when they feel like they have a voice in the decision-making process. All information required to make the adjustment must be provided to the staff if they are to participate in decision-making. The key to this is clear communication. Direct reports trust leaders who are transparent. Employees will be reluctant to embrace change if there is a lack of communication. For the workers to understand where they are in the process and what comes next, a clear timeline must be established. Having a sense of what lies ahead often eases the minds of those directly involved. The creation of a timeline helps make change more bearable. Last but not least, after a change has been implemented, checking in with the employees to see how it has affected practice demonstrates that leadership is concerned. Following up enables executives to change strategies as necessary. When coworkers are involved in decisions and there is open communication, relationships with leaders improve. A written timeline and follow- up are two minor steps leadership may take to help their team members feel empowered. Staff members feel confident about their involvement in and contributions to the facility when these tactics are utilized. -Stacy Steinmann,B., Klug, H., Maier,G. (2018). The path is the goal: how transformational leaders enhance followers’ job attitudes and proactive behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9,P1-15, Retreived from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6281759/ • Hi Stacy. Functional nursing has potential for success in this situation. As you think about implementation, how will you be able to tell if the model is off track? How do you recognize it? If it goes off track, how do. you redirect then team to get back on track? ReplyReply to CommentCollapse SubdiscussionStacy Pee HYPERLINK

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Contributor: William Saputra


NR 565 Week 8 Final Review

Contributor: William Saputra


NR 565 Week 5 Endocrine System Case Study

Contributor: William Saputra


NR 565 Week 5 Quiz; Endocrine Case Study

Contributor: William Saputra


NR 566 Week 4 Midterm Review Questions

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 4 Midterm Review

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 4 Midterm Study_Guide

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 4 MidTerm-Review

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 566 Week 8 Final Review

Contributor: Mike Trout


NR 567 Week 5 Study Worksheet; Endocrine.

Contributor: Cathy Kelley


NR 568 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide (Weeks 1-4)

Contributor: Katherine Heigl


NR 568 Week 8 Course Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Heigl


NR 568 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide (Weeks 5-8)

Contributor: Katherine Heigl


NR 576 Week 5 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 6 Assignment; h.pylori Management Plan

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 7 Peer Reviewer Template

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 8 Course Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 8 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 8_Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 2 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 3 iHuman Reflection - Language barriers

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 3 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 4 Collaboration Café

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide for Weeks 1-4

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 577 iHuman week 2, 3 and 5 Questions to ask

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 1 Discussion Board

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 3 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 5 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 6 iHuman- Questions to ask

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 6 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 8 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 1 Case; Ebony Gray

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 577 Week 2 Reflection

Contributor: Katherine Helmond


NR 578 Week 3 Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 4 Discussion; Food Insecurity

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 4 iHuman Case Suzi Green

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 5 iHuman Case Clara Smith

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 6 Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 7 Pressure Ulcers

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 8 Final Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 3 Discussion; Memory Loss

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Assignment; iHuman George King

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 578 Week 3 iHuman Case Janet Riley

Contributor: Bonnie Langford


NR 579 Week 6 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 8 Reflection Assignment

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 1 iHuman

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 2 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 3 Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 8 Reflection_Assignment

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 579 Week 1 Reflection

Contributor: Bonnie Aarons


NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Review Questions

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Review Sheet

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 8 Final Exam - Questions-Answers

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 8 Final Study Guide

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 8 Midweek Comprehension Questions

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 1 Discussion; Introduction.

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 1 Discussion; Introduction..

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 1 Quiz; Student Attestation

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Exam Questions-Answers

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Review Of Knowledge

Contributor: Bonnie Wright


NR 601 Week 2 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 2 iHuman Case Chris Alvarez.

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 2 iHuman Case Chris Alvarez

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 2 iHuman Case Dylan Scott

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 i-Human Practice Case; Marvin Webster

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 1 Discussion; Wood County in Ohio

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 1 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 4 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 4 MidTerm Practice

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Review with Book Notes

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide Outline

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 3 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 3 iHuman Case Hailey Richardson

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 3 iHuman Case Jennifer Albertson

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 3 iHuman Case Regina Ricardo

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 3 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 5 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 Discussion..

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 Discussion.

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 iHuman Case Ella West V5 PC -K

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 iHuman Case Janet Riley

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 iHuman Case Sophia King

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 Quiz..

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 Quiz.

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 6 Quiz

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 7 Discussion; Collaboration Cafe

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 7 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Questions

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 8 Homework; Clinical Hours

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 601 Week 7 Discussion; Collaboration Cafe.

Contributor: Catherine Bell


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman Case Katherine Harris

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman Management Plan

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman Management Plan_

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman Reflection.

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman_Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 3 iHuman-Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion, Response

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion Board.

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion Board

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion Board_

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Discussion.

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 1 Assignment; Introductions..

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 5 iHuman Reflection.

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 5 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 5 Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 6 iHuman Case Angela Cortez

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 6 iHuman Case Tommy Acker

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 6 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 6 Quiz

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 7 iHuman Case - Nancy Campbell

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 7 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 7 Nancy Campbell iHuman

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Discussion; Reflection

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Concept Review Week 5-8

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Final Exam Preparation

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Final Real Exam

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Final Study Guide

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 8 Reflection on Learning.

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 4 Brief Concept Review 1-4

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 4 Midterm Exam Review

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 4 Midterm Real Exam

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 5 iHuman Management Plan

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 602 Week 4 Midterm Exam Points

Contributor: Bella Ramsey


NR 603 Week 1 Quiz....

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 1 Quiz...

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 1 Quiz..

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 1 Quiz.

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 3 iHuman_Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 4 Assignment; Vise Call

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 4 iHuman Plan of Care

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 4 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 4 iHuman_Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 5 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 7 Discussion; Telehealt_Visits

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 7 Discussion; Telehealth Visit

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 7 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 8 Discussion; Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 8 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 3 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 8_Discussion; Reflection

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 603 Week 3 iHuman Case Questions Pulmonary

Contributor: Isabella Stone


NR 605 Week 6 Discussion Question

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 6 Discussion

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 8 Reflection.

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 8 Reflection..

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 8 Response to PowerPoint

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 8 Reflection...

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 1 Discussion; Good will hunting

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 605 Week 2 Discussion

Contributor: Martin Guptill


NR 606 Week 3 Discussion

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 4 Midterm Exam Review

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 8 Final Exam Review

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 8 Reflection

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 1 Discussion

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 2 Discussion

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 632 Week 3 Risk Register

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 632 Week 5 Monitoring and Controlling

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 632 Week 6 Completion Document

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 632 Week 8 Final Learning Agreement

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 632 Week 2 Gantt Chart

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 632 Week 2 Work Breakdown Structure

Contributor: Tyler Aguero


NR 660 Week 3 Project; Literature Review

Contributor: John Wilson


NR 667 Week 4 Vise Assignment Study Guide

Contributor: Wilson Bethel


NR 667 Week 1 Discussion; Part 1, 2 and 3..

Contributor: Wilson Bethel


NR 667 Week 1 Discussion; Part 1, 2 and 3.

Contributor: Wilson Bethel


NR 668 Week 4 Psycho pharmacology

Contributor: Wilson Fisk


NR 668 Quizzes Week 1 - 7

Contributor: Wilson Fisk


NR 703 Week 4 Discussion

Contributor: John Wilson


NR 703 All Reflections Week 1 - 7

Contributor: John Wilson


NR 715 Week 7 Discussion; Stakeholders

Contributor: John Cena


NR 717 Week 8 Discussion

Contributor: Jonathan Coyle


NR 717 Week 1 Discussion; Culturagram.pptx

Contributor: Jonathan Coyle


NR 717 Week 4 Discussion

Contributor: Jonathan Coyle


NR 717 Week 5 Assignment Brief

Contributor: Jonathan Coyle


NR 717 Week 6 Discussion

Contributor: Jonathan Coyle


NR 716 Week 2 Discussion; Synthesis - Obesity

Contributor: Charlie Coyle


NR 293 Week 6 Quiz 4

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 8 Discussion; Glaucoma

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 8 Final Exam Review

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 8 Final ExamPractice

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 8 In Class Quiz

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


xNR 293 Concept List for Final Examination

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 2 Quiz 1.

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 2 Quiz 1

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 3 Exam 1 Content Areas to Review

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 3 Exam 1 in Progress

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 3 Exam 1

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 3, 4, 5 Quizzes

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 4 Quiz 2 Case Studies

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 4 Quiz 2 Take Home Assignment

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 5 Quiz 3

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 293 Week 6 Assignment; ATI Reportd

Contributor: Daniela Pearl


NR 631 Week 1 IRB Pre-Screening Review Form

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 631 Week 2 Appendix A; Scope Statement

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 631 Week 1 and 8 Learning Agreement

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 631 Week 1 Assignment; Learning Agreement

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 631 Week 4 Assignment; Communication Plan

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 631 Week 8 Practicum Log Week 1 - 7.pdf

Contributor: Daniel Wiffen


NR 499 Week 6 Discussion; Diagnosis - Cholecystitis

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NR 499 Week 6 Discussion; Diagnosis - Peptic Ulcer

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NR 499 Week 7 Discussion; Diagnosis - Urolithiasis

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NR 499 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NR 499 Assignment; Diagnosis Synthesis Assignment 2

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NR 499 Week 1 Discussion; Diagnosis - OTITIS

Contributor: Charles Sturridge


NRNP 6531 Week 3 Knowledge Check Quiz.

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam - Summer QTR

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam Practice

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam Solutions

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam - Fall QTR

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NUNP 6531F-2 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 11 Final Exam - Spring Qtr

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 11 Final Exam - Fall Qtr

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6531 Week 11 Final Exam Compliation

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6560 Week 11 Final Exam Review

Contributor: Beth Brown


NRNP 6560 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Beth Brown


NRNP 6560 Week 6 Midterm Exam.

Contributor: Beth Brown


NURS 6512N-34 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Christy Hall


NURS 6541 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Christy Turlington


NURS 6541 Week 6 Quiz

Contributor: Christy Turlington


NURS 6521 Week 7 Midterm Exam; All Correct

Contributor: Carlson Young


NURS 6521N-33 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Carlson Young


NURS 6521N-38 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Carlson Young


NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Jhon Walter


NRNP 6568 Week 4 Quiz - Knowledge Check

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6568 Week 5 Quiz - Knowledge Check

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NURS 3020 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Charles Amini


NURS 3020 Final Exam - 100 out of 100 Points

Contributor: Charles Amini


NURS 6512 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6521 Week 7 Midterm Exam - Condensed

Contributor: Carlson Young


NURS 6521 Week 7 Midterm Exam - Drugs

Contributor: Carlson Young


NRNP 6531 Week 11 Final Exam Compliation

Contributor: Paul Wiffen


NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam.

Contributor: Martin Amini


NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Study Guide

Contributor: Martin Amini


NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam - Fall QTR

Contributor: Martin Amini


NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam..

Contributor: Martin Amini


NURS 6512N-48 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6521N-35, Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512N Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512N-14 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NRNP 6540 Week 1 Discussion; Evaluation Plan

Contributor: Nathan Fillion


NRNP 6540 Week 6 Exam; Midterm Study Guide

Contributor: Nathan Fillion


NRNP 6540 Week 6 Midterm Exam - All Correct

Contributor: Nathan Fillion


NRNP 6541 Week 6 Quiz-Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 3 Quiz-Knowledge Check..

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 3 Quiz-Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 9 Quiz-Knowledge Check...

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 9 Quiz-Knowledge Check..

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 9 Quiz-Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 11 Quiz-Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541 Week 11 Quiz-Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541N-5, Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6541N-9, Week 11 Final Exam..

Contributor: Tony Stark


NRNP 6550 Week 4 DQ 1 and Responses

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 4 iHuman; Brianna Williams

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 5 Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 7 Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 8 Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 6 iHuman; Tom Bradford

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 6 Midterm Exam - Spring Qtr

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 10 Knowledge Check

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 11 Final Exam Solutions

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6550 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Tony Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 2 Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 5 Knowledge Check....

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 5 Knowledge Check...

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 5 Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 5 Knowledge Check..

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 2 Knowledge Check..

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 6 Midterm Exam..

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 6 Midterm Exam.

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 10 Knowledge Check..

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 10 Knowledge Check.

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 11 Final Exam Review

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 6 Midterm Exam....

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6552 Week 6 Midterm Exam...

Contributor: Mel Robbins


NRNP 6568 Week 3 Assignment 1; Study Plan

Contributor: Claire Forlani


NRNP 6568 Week 3 Case Study; Focused SOAP Note

Contributor: Claire Forlani


NRNP 6568 Week 6 Assignment; Focused SOAP note

Contributor: Claire Forlani


NRNP 6635 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Gregor Clegane


NRNP 6665 Week 6 Midterm_Drugs

Contributor: Brian Peck


NRNP 6665 Week 11 Final Exam Solutions

Contributor: Brian Peck


NRNP 6665-01 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Brian Peck


NRNP 6675 Week 2 Assignment 2; Study Plan

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6675 Week 3 Assignment; SOAP note

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6675 Week 11 Assignment; Journal Entry

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6675-15 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NURS 6501 Week 11 Knowledge Check Quiz.

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 11 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 3 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 5 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 6 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 7 Knowledge Check Quiz.

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 7 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 9 Knowledge Check Quiz.

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 9 Knowledge Check Quiz

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 10 Knowledge Check Quiz..

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 6 Midterm Exam..

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 6 Midterm Exam.

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam - All Correct

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam Review Guide

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam - All Correct.

Contributor: Charles Ballard


NURS 6531 Week 6 Midterm Exam - All Correct

Contributor: Charles Ballard


NURS 6550 Week 6 i-Human Case Study Tom Bradford

Contributor: Charles Barkley


NRNP 6645 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: David Stern


NRNP 6645-1 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: David Stern


NRNP 6645 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: David Stern


NURS 6550 Week 6 Midterm Exam - Spring Qtr

Contributor: Charles Barkley


NR 548 Week 7 Collaboration Café

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 8 Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 1 Collaboration Café

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 1 Reflection on Learning

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3 Study Guide

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 8 Exam 4 - Real Exam Questions

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3 - Review

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 546 Week 8 Exam 2 - Final

Contributor: Mark Wahlberg


NRNP 6540 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Pollan Tracy


NRNP 6670 Week 6 Midterm Exam - All Correct.

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6670 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NRNP 6670 Week 6 Midterm Exam - All Correct

Contributor: Johnson Charles


NURS 6512N-49; Exam - Week 6 Midterm

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512N-53; Exam - Week 6 Midterm.

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512 Week 6 Midterm Compilation

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512 Week 6 Midterm Review Questions

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512N-44 Week 6 Midterm

Contributor: Wiffen Daniel


NURS 6512N-29; Exam - Week 11 Final

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512N-34, Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512N-38 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512N-49; Exam - Week 11 Final

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512N-50, Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512 Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6512C-24, Week 11 Final Exam

Contributor: Cristy Fermin


NURS 6501 Week 6 Midterm Exam..

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NURS 6501 Week 6 Midterm Exam.

Contributor: Carlson Romano


NR 548 Week 7 Collaboration Cafe

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 7 Reflection on Learning

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 8 Exam 4 - Real Exam Questions

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 8 Exam Study Guide

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3 - Review

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3 Study Guide

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 548 Week 6 Exam 3

Contributor: Mark Williams


NR 546 Week 8 Exam 2 - Final.

Contributor: Mark Wahlberg


NR 565 Week 8 Final Review PowerPoint.pptx

Contributor: Claire Forlani


NR 565 Week 8 Final Exam.pdf

Contributor: William Saputra


NR 565 Week 8 Final Exam - Practice

Contributor: William Saputra


NR 511 Week 1 Homework; Clinical Log

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Quiz - 10 out of 10 Points...

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Quiz - 10 out of 10 Points..

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Quiz - 10 out of 10 Points.

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Quiz - 10 out of 10 Points

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Quiz - 10 out of 10 Points-

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café......

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café....

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café...

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café..

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café.

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 1 Collaboration Café

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 3 Quiz - 10 out of 10 points

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 Homework; Clinical Log

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Case - Gemma Jones

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Case - Olive Chaney

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Reflection....

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Reflection...

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Reflection..

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 2 iHuman Reflection.

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 4 Midterm Exam

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 511 Week 8 Homework; Clinical Log

Contributor: Mark Ruffalo


NR 566 Week 8 Final Exam

Contributor: Carlson Gracie


NR 578 Week 1 Case Study Discussion

Contributor: Bonnie Langford



Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 8 Reflection..

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 1 Quiz

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 3 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 5 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 6 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 576 Week 8 Reflection..

Contributor: Katherine Harrington


NR 606 Week 4 Midterm Exam Actual

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 8 Final Exam

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 8 Reflection.

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 606 Week 1 Discussion.

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 601 Week 6 Quiz

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 601 Week 8 Assignment; ePortfolio

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Questions

Contributor: Martin Tyler


NR 601 Week 2 iHuman Reflection

Contributor: Martin Tyler
