
HUMN 303N Week 3 Assignment; Art Creation & Reflection - The drawing Hopeless by Roy Lichtenstein

Georgina Chapman
HUMN 303N Introduction to the Humanities

Art Creation & Reflection Angelia Christine GuruleChamberlain University College of Nursing HUMN-303Anna Farrell January 23rd Angelia Gurule,Women's Heartbreak,2023 Figure 2-6 Anonymous cartoon panel pg. 30 Figure 2-7 Roy Lichenstein, Hopeless. 1963. Magna on canvas pg 30 Art is something of interpretation. As the viewer, we see what we want to see. The artist provides the picture, and our brains provide the context behind the picture. The picture above by Roy Lichtenstein is an example of this. Inspiration came from the anonymous piece as seen above, and my inspiration came from both. The picture listed above the cartoons is my take on them. My drawing

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