
HIST 405N Week 7 Case Study Assignment; Option 3; American Domestic and Foreign Policies (1953-1991)

Harvey Specter
HIST 405N United States History

American Domestic and Foreign Policies (1953-1991) Student Name HIST 405N: United States History Chamberlain University As I continue to push forward on our journey in US history, I would like to tell you about four presidents. Giving you a glance into their presidency what they did for the US economically and socially, policies, and how they served public interest. The four presidents I chose are Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, and Ronald W. Reagan. Dwight D. Eisenhower was Americas 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. Petersen explains the president helped US economically during the 1958 recession. This recession was short lived lasted eight months during World War II. During this time many American were unemployed due to the population not purchasing vehicles or building/buying homes. This forced many Americans to unemployment. President pushed for more Agriculture projects to be done to increase the demand of raw materials such as lumber to create more jobs. He also extended unemployment benefits if American still couldn’t find labor they could still feed their families. To encourage American to build homes the benefit was in place for no down payment when purchasing your home. Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 was passed in Eisenhower which strengthen the US by creating even more jobs. This project was to be done over a ten-year period funded with 25 million dollars to assure the completion of the task. The highway was to span 41,000 miles. Some states put tollways in place to help with the payment although now paid off tollways stay in place for highway maintenance. Eisenhower served the public’s interest and continuing the cause for democracy by continuing The New Deal (that FDR started), expanded on social security, and prioritized a balanced budget over tax cuts. When Eisenhower heard of political parties trying to take away social security, he said “

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