
HIST 405N Week 3 Case Study; Option 3; The Abolitionist Movement

Harvey Specter
HIST 405N United States History

Case Study: The Abolitionist Movement Student NameChamberlain College of Nursing HIST405 Date Case Study: The Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist Movement of the 19th century brought about many historical events. It was the movement to end slavery. In this essay I will assess if abolitionists were responsible reformers or irresponsible agitators, explain how abolitionists upheld the Declaration of Independence as the foundation of antislavery and abolitionist thought, assess the effect of the Gag Rule on the Abolitionist Movement, and analyze how the women's rights movement would gain momentum from the antislavery movement. Abolitionist: Reformers or Agitators There are many opinions about Abolitionist and some, such as William Lloyd Garrison, claimed they were agitators and others claimed they were reformers for antislavery. Abolitionist essentially wanted an end to slavery and end it immediately in all states, (Corbett, 2018). They felt slavery was an inexcusable sin and their arguments and position were non-negotiable, (Hammond & Mason, 2011). In this light they can be seen as being irresponsible agitators because they had no solution for the problems completely ending slavery would cause in the Southern states whose economy relied heavily on slave labor. The antislavery re

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