
ENGL 148N Week 7 Assignment; Mental Health Resources and Professionals in relation to the Opioid Epidemic

Steve Madden
ENGL 148N Advanced English Composition

Mental Health Resources and Professionals in relation to the Opioid Epidemic. Student Name ENGL 148 Chamberlain University Professor VerroneAssignment Date Mental Resources and Professionals in relation to the Opioid Epidemic. Mental health awareness is a significant concern for all individuals since they are sometimes the first line of defense for people who come under their obligations. There should be chances for recognizing and treating mental health crises, including the danger of suicide or self-harm. Everyone, regardless of age, should be able to detect the indicators of growing mental health issues. Additionally, there should be methods for recognizing the indicators of growing mental health issues. In addition, mental health, drug addiction, and other harmful coping mechanisms should be discussed in the classroom, as should the negative impact of stigma and cultural beliefs on persons with mental illness. A lack of mental health awareness may be linked to drug use, such as the current opioid crisis if this is not the case. Due to the complexity of psychological illnesses, successful therapy often requires continuous access to mental health care professionals and various support services. Education on mental health provides individuals and their loved ones with the necessary knowledge and access to resources. It contributes to the decline of the stigma around mental health. Additionally, it has the potential to support recovery and therapy efforts. Both mental and physical health is essential to a person's overall health and well-being (APA PsycNet, n.d.). Depression, for instance, increases the risk for various physical health difficulties, particularly chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Similarly, having many chronic conditions may increase the chance of acquiring a mental disorder. Sadly, mental health care facilities, adequate mental resources, and specialists are often unavailable or misused, especially in underdeveloped countries. This is particularly true about the paucity of mental health care services. The treatment gap, also known as the proportion of individuals who need mental health care but do not get treatment, ranges from 40 to 70 percent in wealthy nations but may approach 90 percent in underdeveloped nations (Pike et al., 2019). In affluent nations, the treatment disparity is greater than in underdeveloped nations. Common hurdles to getting mental health treatment include inadequate policies, a lack of information about mental illness, stigma, and restricted availability of mental health care providers. Other obstacles to receiving mental health treatment include the restricted availability of providers and the high cost of these therapies. It is quite frequent in developing countries to lack access to essential pharmaceuticals, which considerably impacts patients' ability to get treatment for mental disorders. Low- and middle-income countries have a serious scarcity of mental health care professionals, which exacerbates the issue. Children and adolescents have much less access to resources than younger age groups. Even though the prevalence of m

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