PHIL 347 Week 7 Discussion, Responses; What Do I Value
Week 7 Discussion: What Do I Value Introduction At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not going to ask you to go to war, but we are going to ask you to think about what ideals or values you believe would be worth defending – even to the point of risking your life in their defense. When Nazi Germany overtook Europe in the early 20th Century, resistance movements sprung up in the occupied countries, and many civilians risked – and lost – their lives against Nazisim. Today, in Saudi Arabia, women who protested restrictions on the rights of women imposed by that country have been jailed, and remain jailed, even after some of the rights they asked for have been granted. Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, address the following: What core values would you risk your life for and freedom to defend? Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances – or is war never an appropriate response? Does the argument pass the Test of Truthfulness? This is not a group exercise – post your thoughts, considering the scenarios proposed in the text or any others you find important. Be sure to give your reasons for your answer. Notic
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